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National recognition for Cinapsis

September 29, 2020

The Cinapsis team were thrilled to make the final shortlist in the ‘Innovative Use of Technology’ category at this year’s Patient Experience Network National Awards (PENNA).

The Patient Experience Network is a not for profit independent organisation dedicated to driving continual improvement in NHS patient experiences. Their remit covers the sum total of the patient’s experiences during their care, including the patient’s personal experience of ‘what actually happened’ during treatment.

At Cinapsis we are committed to supporting doctors in delivering excellence in patient care. We listen carefully to user feedback and continually adapt the features of our SmartReferrals platform to make it easier for doctors to make the right decisions for their patients, ensuring that they are sent on the right treatment path first time around. Our patient-first ethos always guides decision making at Cinapsis.

The PENNA online celebrations took place across 9 virtual sessions in September, during which each shortlisted candidate gave a 10 minute presentation about their work before the winner was announced.

Although we did not win the overall prize, it was an honour to be on the same shortlist as a number of NHS Hospital Trusts and innovative tech companies.

We are excited to continue to work to drive excellence in patient experience, and very much hope to be shortlisted again for the awards next year (when they will hopefully be an in-person event)!